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FSF Membership Badge Disclaimer:

I proudly display my FSF membership badge on my website as a dedicated advocate for libre software, championing freedom, privacy, and collaboration, in line with the principles of the Free Software Foundation (FSF). However, my allegiance lies with these principles, not with individuals. I do not seek association with prominent figures within the FSF or anything beyond the essential tenets encapsulated by the four fundamental freedoms.

This does mean that sometimes my viewpoints can misalign with that of the FSF. I believe that free software is any software that gives full freedom to the user to run as they wish. Crucially, the FSF believes that Free Software cannot be "shackled", i.e. it should run on GNU/Linux. This is something I do not agree with. If a software made for MacOS or Windows is libre under GPL3, it is libre, period. The software was created using that platform in mind, and still gives you the 4 freedoms as discussed.

Nevertheless, I support the FSF for their noble pursuit of making software more accessible, but do not agree on every aspect of discussion, and do not wish any association with prominent figures.

On Richard Stallman (rms):

I value rms' unwavering commitment to libre software, which played a pivotal role in the rise of GNU/Linux and the accessibility of libre software. While Open Source serves as a valuable middle ground, rms' dedication to Free/Libre software influenced both developers and users significantly.

Richard Stallman's contributions, including founding the Free Software Foundation (FSF) and launching the GNU Project, shaped significantly today's computing landscape and inspired collaborative development & contributions across (and towards) programming languages, frameworks, systems, and software. Virtually every single developer tool, creative tool, programming language, and operating system is libre or open source (or based on open source, such as Apple's macOS, and Microsoft's WSL). Outliers such as MATLAB or ArcGIS exist, but they're too far and few in between, and remain heavily specialized.

However, I am aware of rms' controversial history outside the realm of libre software, and I do not endorse or identify with his viewpoints beyond the domain of free/libre software whatsoever. It's imperative to acknowledge that, despite his substantial contributions, controversies and criticisms have persistently surrounded rms. While I unwaveringly support the Free Software Movement and deeply value rms' contributions to the FSF, GNU/Linux, and the propagation of Free (as in freedom) Software, I remain conscious of rms' controversial history and positions, which I do not align with.

Wishing rms Well:

In these times, it is crucial to bear in mind that battling cancer presents formidable challenges for anyone. Health issues of this nature can be physically and emotionally taxing, transcending boundaries and beliefs. It is a reminder of our shared humanity and the vulnerability we all face in the face of illness.

With that in mind, I extend my heartfelt best wishes to Richard Stallman for his swift recovery. Regardless of our differences in viewpoints and the controversies that have arisen, we should never forget the common thread that binds us as individuals – our health and well-being. In times of illness, compassion and empathy become even more critical, for they are values that transcend the boundaries of any ideology. It is during these moments that we must come together as a community and offer our support, showing our shared humanity.

I sincerely hope for his strength, resilience, and a return to good health. Richard Stallman's health challenge serves as a reminder that, in the end, we are all part of a larger community, and it is our shared responsibility to extend support and goodwill to one another during times of difficulty.

Final Thoughts:

In conclusion, my support for the FSF is grounded in their dedication to libre software and the four essential freedoms:

  1. The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose (freedom 0).
  2. The freedom to study how the program works and adapt it to meet your computing needs (freedom 1). Access to the source code is a prerequisite for this.
  3. The freedom to distribute copies to assist others (freedom 2).
  4. The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others (freedom 3). This empowers you to offer the entire community an opportunity to benefit from your enhancements. Access to the source code is a prerequisite for this.

My commitment to these principles underscores my dedication to the cause of libre software, unaffected by external factors.