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Kushagra Srivastava

Operating Systems & Compilers Dev. | NLP/Info Retrieval


The following is the personal website of Kush Srivastava. I am a recent CS undergrad who specialized in two major areas: Operating Systems & Compilers, and Natural Language + Information Retrieval.

This homepage will cover the highlights of projects that I am working on currently. Complete details on everything that I am working on can be accessed via the About page. Along with my portfolio, this website serves as my creative outlet (both, in and out of CompSci). The site logo is my first computer, circa 2013.

Currently, my main focus are in these endeavours; in-depth details and other current projects can be found under the Ongoing page:

Psivant Theraupeutics

Currently working as a Systems & Software developer at Psivant Theraupeutics: a Research & Development Startup that focuses on High Performance Computational Chemistry & Biology. My contributions can be seen in STORMM, a low-level framework based on C++ and CUDA that utilizes Parallel Processing in GPUs to leverage finer Molecular Dynamics Simulations.


Refining the software stack that was created for my Honors Thesis pertaining to analysis of different programming languages at the Systems level (x86). tra86, is a comprehensive toolchain that handles compilations of RUST and C++ codebases, parses and traces the assembly instructions and stack, and returns performance metrics. Read more.

Misc. / Hobby

Helping create a Video Game for Anna Biondo's LCC Project (iCons); Creating MorbiOS w/ Anvitha, a toy-OS built from scratch; Programming to Reverse Engineer for Classic Macintosh. I also bike around in Boston, and have been pursuing Photography for over a year or so now.