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Work Experience

This page details professional work experience I have had. Industry related Research Work will be listed here (as applicable by laws/contracts), however Research Work during a specific time of my study at an institution will be listed in their respective tabs (for example: undergraduate research is listed in the Undergraduate tab).

Professional Independent Research Work will be listed in their own pages on the sidebar as they come across.

  • CICS SYSLAB Amherst, MA
    • Researcher Feb 2023 - Present
    • Created a Systems Design and Architecture Lab with Prof. Joe Chiu, Prof. Timothy Richards, and 5 other CICS students.
    • Current Hons. Thesis research work include a performance analysis of the RUST Compiler w.r.t. the GNU/GCC Compiler, utilizing various x86 Assembly Tracing methods to analyze certain performance metrics on low-level code for each language.

More details on the SysLab present under the Tra86 Page, here's a picture though:

CICS Systems Lab

  • SMITH COLLEGE Northampton, MA | Link
    • Research Assistant Oct 2022 - Present
    • Assisting in the Software Development part of the current research under the guidance of Dr. Ileana Streinu at LinKaGe Lab.
    • Optimizing systems and servers to ensure the lab’s software programs work efficiently, as well as ensuring upkeep, and security.
    • Technologies in use: C, Java Servlets, and Python, along with a heavy utilization of UNIX CLI programs and server systems.

Copied from Ongoing

Smith College

Currently working as a Software Dev. and System Specialist at LinKaGe Lab in Smith College.

  • Assisting in the Software Development part of the current research under the guidance of Dr. Ileana Streinu at the LinKaGe Lab.

  • Optimizing systems and server-side code to ensure the lab's software works efficiently, as well as ensuring upkeep and security.

  • Porting legacy software to modern frameworks.

Smith LinKage Lab

    • Machine Learning Intern Jun 2022 - Aug 2022
    • Constructed, trained, analyzed, and optimized Neural Networks on tabular, and image based datasets via TensorFlow and Keras.
    • Achieved high accuracy levels on the MNIST Database (96.21%), VisualQA (94.56%), and datasets reflecting market conditions.
    • Performed data rollups at customer level, resource allocation, neural network construction and optimization, and ensemble machine learning for predicting credit card defaults in a Kaggle Competition with American Express with a 94% accuracy.
    • IT Specialist & Trainer | Apr 2020 - Aug 2020
    • Led a team of 14 graduates to develop an app (Android & iOS) using Kotlin, Swift, Firebase, and Flutter in 3 weeks.
    • Integrated it with Microsoft 365 to move coursework for 4500+ students. Trained 150 Faculty Members on using the app.
    • Implemented and tested the authentication system of the school’s Alumni Portal using Django, Python, and SQL.
    • Software Developer Intern May 2019 - Aug 2019
    • Designed a platform in 6 weeks for a Food Company (Kout Food Group) to digitize the infrastructure across 19 branches.
    • Used AWS, SQL, and Hadoop to develop a platform to manage the inventory and daily activities, with real time tracking.
    • Deployed the product’s initial phase in under 2 weeks, as well as devised a 6-month migration plan to turn 100% digital.