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About Me

Hi, I am Kushagra Srivastava. I am a Computer Science Major (BS, Hons.) at the Manning College of Information and Computer Sciences. My specializations lie in the following niches:

  • Systems Design and Architecture
    • Programming Languages and Compilers (especially the LLVM Architecture)
    • Low Level Code (x86, ARM Asm)
    • Operating Systems (Kernel Development, Hardware Optimization)
  • Artificial Intelligence & machine Learning
    • Natural Language Processing
    • Information Retrieval

I am working with Psivant Theraupeutics as a Systems/Software Developer Intern. More information about the same to come soon, based on the amount of information I can share. Likely, I will be working on the development of exciting systems-level computational frameworks such as STORMM.

Previously, I worked at the LinKaGe Lab at Smith College, under the guidance of Dr. Ileana Streinu, as a Research Assistant. My work specialized in the upkeep of systems, implementing security measures, as well as Software and Web Development. Mostly, it deals with OpSec and Software Development for ensuring a smooth functioning of the LinKaGe lab's software and hardware, including a lot of digital archeology and converting old code to modern standards. This opportunity is currently under an indefinite hiatus.

My Honors Thesis at UMass Amherst pertained to comparing performance metrics between C++ and RUST, two low-level programming languages, on the x86 Architecture. This thesis mainly aims to compare if the decades of development in RUST, the newer language, provides any performance advantage to C++. As part of the same, the tra86 toolchain for comparison of programming languages was also created, which can be accessed at this website.

I also worked on establishing a Systems lab at Manning CICS, with Professor Meng-Chieh Chiu, Professor Tim Richards, and a select number of other students. I also was a member of the UMass Amherst Integrated Concentration in Sciences Program. My work mainly revolves in the application of my knowledge in Software and Web Development, as well as in Data Science and Machine Learning, to create visualizations and better methodoligies to convey research problems to a general-audience. Often, I also work on Data Crunching, Extrapolation, and making real-time deductions. My iCons profile can be accessed here.

A full list of my experiences is linked under the resume section of my website. Moreover, current projects that I am working on can be found in the Ongoing Projects section of the website.

  • Name: Kushagra Srivastava
  • Major: BS (Hons.) in Computer Science (Expected May 2024)
  • From: Manning CICS, CHC, and CNS: University of Massachusetts, Amherst. View my webpage, and my UMass iCons Student Profile.
  • Specilizations: Systems Design and Architecture (Compilers, Programming Languages, Operating Systems, x86 architecture), AI/ML (NLP, IR).
  • Location: MA, United States | DXB, United Arab Emirates | DEL, India
  • Email: