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Spring Cleaning: 2025

· 5 min read
Kushagra Srivastava

About every year, my online presence gets convoluted between multiple platforms that I am trying out, and with multiple projects that I am trying out each year. This is the third year in a row where I am cleaning up accounts, emails, and my online presence, and the first where I will be writing down about it as well.


The first time I did this process in 2023 was to get away from this version of the website into something that would give me greater flexibility to write and curate my own content. This first version was mainly created to facilitate some semblance of having an online portfolio, and a corner on the internet. However, the negative aspect of this version specifically was the fact that everything was in one huge HTML file, with buttons acting as event responders to close one div, open another, and do a swanky animation between the two such that the effect was not too jarring to the end user. The end HTML file was about 1700 lines and increasing, wherein each "page" of the website was just a div.

I moved on from that version to the first iteration of this current version in 2023. This iteration was mainly focused on getting the content correct, and getting myself more comfortable with the organizational and writing side of things. Over the course of the year though, that website got too cluttered. I didn't even realize that I had just put all my projects as is, without having any structure or flow.

In March 2024, I undertook a massive refactoring of this website to classify different projects, blog posts, and how they are linked to each other (hobby, professional, etc.). For the most part, this website is still going perfectly.

This Spring Cleaning aims to fix some aspects of this website, but mainly focus on consolidating my broader online presence.


I use many services and public facing accounts. I need to consolidate them, and have this website act as my central hub that binds everything together. I will continue to treat this website as my main place to write things about, but also provide links to relevant Internet places.

I do not assume the first iteration of this endeavor to be all encompassing. But at thew very minimum, services I use frequently should be covered under this. Anything else you may stumble upon, I am not using currently and can be thought of as archival in nature.

This will also not cover accounts that are not personal in nature. My work GitLab (and BitBucket from an earlier experience), which exist but only on company email that I do not have access to.


All of this bound under this website.


I will be writing on LinkedIn and ORCiD to collate my work related things. GitHub, while listed here, will also be mainly used for hobby related stuff. I had a GitLab and Codeberg as alternates to GitHub, but never found a use for them all that much. I had a replit for a while; great service, but seldom used once I got a more powerful computer (and GitHub Codespaces became a thing).

As of Feb 16, 2025: both the ORCiD and LinkedIn have been updated. The only things not included in my publications are my ongoing work at Psivant.

Photography & Microblogging

I started my photography journey with VSCO and Flickr: both platforms that I believe have huge potential and a misguided user base. On the side, I used Instagram as well (a second account).

For microblogging, my most active front used to be Threads (which will probably remain the case for a while more, moving forward). I do not use Twitter almost at all (except for catching up on news, for which X now require you to have an account), but I will leave in a link for anyone interested.

Here's where Bluesky comes in, moving forward. Bluesky's Atmosphere Protocol is amazing for two big reasons for me:

  1. Open Source
  2. Lets you use your own domain for accounts

I have two main accounts on Bluesky:

  • My main account for everything
  • The sole account for my photography content moving forward. Flickr, VSCO are existing briefly for archival purposes as I migrate everything to Bsky. I have already deleted the photography Instagram account.

Misc Photo and Microblog

For videos, I have had a YouTube account active for a while. For now, it exists. I do not think I will necessarily move it to bsky. The videos are sporadic, and not a sure-shot place for anything really.

Links to my other Microblogging stuff:

Social Media and Misc

This is more of the personal facing stuff I do on the Internet. Not much to share here except for stuff from my personal life: