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· 4 min read
Kushagra Srivastava


While I have gotten this opportunity through an academic source, the contents of this blog do not reflect any of that. This blog is part of my "digital garden": a virtual space to collect raw thoughts as is. This is not a reflection of UMass Amherst, iCons, U.S. Census Dept, The Opportunity Project, and any/every organization mentioned. This space only exists to collect personal thoughts, and is very informal, and not representative of any ideas, thoughts, or emotions behind anything.

Visit the Research Page to learn more on the academic end of this project. That is where I document the crucial, tangible, proper outcomes of this project.

· 4 min read
Kushagra Srivastava


I think I have always had an identity crisis when it comes to the concept of blogging. On one hand, I find it to be one of the most approachable mediums on the Internet, far more accessible than making videos or fancy schmancy websites. On the other hand, how do you get consistency when it comes to writing down your thoughts?

· 12 min read
Kushagra Srivastava

Originally published by me on Medium

This is an attempt at documenting what has been long gone by, and yet seems coming right across the horizon. This is a story of a particular phase of my own life, how it has been influenced by my past, and how it delves into one of my favorite aesthetics of all time.

This will also be an attempt to capture my version of that aesthetic.

· 2 min read
Kushagra Srivastava

The most difficult part of starting a new journey is taking that first step.

There is an endless amount of fear and joy inside me as I embark on this new journey. For months on end, I have been wanting to streamline my artistic journey, and it finally seems like things are coming together.