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10 posts tagged with "Open Source"

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· 9 min read
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Banner Image: 2024 Solar Eclipse Gathering at UMass Amherst

I have decided that writing this newsletter every week was resulting in a content churn, which was essentially me writing a blog post for the sake of writing it. Hence, I am putting down some changes as to how I write this thing: i.e. I would write whenever I have quite a lot to say (in a meaningful way), while also making it such that I write at least once every month.

· 10 min read
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Newsletter 4 Banner | Washington D.C.

Slightly late blog update this week, owing mainly to the amounts of midterms and the thesis progress that had to be made last week. However, we are back and kicking: and I hope that I will be able to keep this momentum up next week as well. In today's newsletter, I would love to highlight some fun code I wrote for my Honors Thesis last semester.

· 5 min read
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Newsletter 2 Welcome

Welcome to the second episode of my Newsletter, accompanied by a gorgeous picture of the UMass Amherst West Experimentation Station. I take a lot of pictures in my daily life, but most do not see the light of day, which is why I am going to attempt to merge my different art forms. The Photography page in the Finechive is still under construction, and hopefully it does not take long.

· 4 min read
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Even though I am not exactly there yet, I often like to classify myself as a Libre Source Developer. Let's get into this terminology first.

Libre Source, for the most part, is very much in parallels with Open Source Development: i.e., people can see the source of your code, fork it, compile it, and distribute it. There exist different licenses that lay down the permissions for what most users can do with it. The most popular, in the Open Source world, is the MIT License