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Scheduling app made by Nhi Ha, James Leone, Yuni Jeong, and I: linked here. Essentially a better version of When2Meet, with more features and better collaboration tools. Made for CS 326 in Manning CICS.

Team Overview

  • Yuni Jeong (@yunijeong5)
  • Kushagra Srivastava (@suobset)
  • James Leone (@JLeone123)
  • Nhi Ha (@hacherio)

Innovative Idea

Existing application: When2Meet (, CATME

Their limitations are: When2Meet-- Bad UI, hard to use on phones, cannot choose location, no commenting functionality CATME-- Confusing UI (can accidentally fill out the survey wrong)

We want to make a scheduling web app that overcomes these limitations, and add extra functionality which we believe would benefit anyone who want to organize a group meeting. Our goal is to create an app that's simple and easy to use, but also gives intuitive UX to its users.


  • Meeting title
  • Username (email)
  • Password
  • Time selection votes
  • Recurrence of meeting
  • Meeting location votes
  • Comments about the meeting
  • Specific text boxes for meeting agenda, roadmap, etc. Can give a markdown to end-user to define it to their liking.
  • Links for Zoom/Discord/Meeting Platforms
  • Links for shared Google Drive Folders, Pooled-in Resources
  • A unified system for people to mention if they can make it or not on specific days (think as marking attendance...if they can typically make it but did not on a specific day, they can mention why)


  • Create profile with email and password.

  • Create a new event

  • Users can add their availabilities and vote for the location they want to meet at.

  • Show times with the most overlap (color coded)

  • Private/public events: e.g. Only UMass emails can schedule an event

  • Set max number of members:

  • Users can add comments on the same page

  • Button to send out link via email

  • See all events (past/future) on a single dashboard

  • Delete / create event on the dashboard

  • (maybe) Google Map API: Mark locations on map